If you’ve ever wondered how Tennesee Williams would have accessorized Stanley Kowalski in A Streetcar Named Desire – what, am I the only one? – I’m betting he’d look something like the guys here.
Alright, skip Ewan’s link bracelet, but definitely dogtags, maybe a leather biker bracelet.
As these celebs demonstrate, the trick to maintaining a macho image while wearing jewelry is to keep things simple: white or black t-shirt or cotton oxford, jeans or work pants, construction boots. (Sneakers don’t really go with necklaces and bracelets unless you’re a rap star, but that’s another post.)
Also helpful: tousled locks (no one needs to know you used hair gel and primped in front of the mirror), three days’ worth of beard growth, a few hours a week pumping iron, and at least one prominent arm tattoo.
Okay, yes, it doesn’t hurt to be young, successful, and head-turningly handsome as well.
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