I don’t hold out much hope of tripping down a red carpet in this lifetime – did I say trip? That’s probably exactly what would happen. Hollywood is not calling my name and it wouldn’t matter anyway. In my fantasy world, I’d be up for something unglamorous like writing a script or producing a documentary. Let’s face it, the Oscar spotlight is on the actresses.
But man, what I would give to have their pick of jewels for the big night! How many times have you watched the red carpet coverage and thought, “Really. That’s the best you could do?” That invisible diamond stud? Where is the lariat necklace for that plunging neckline! Where is the bracelet stack on those lovely slender arms?!
Girl. This is your chance. Even if you don’t bring home the statue, and you know you probably won’t, you could make a star out of a designer or two – and a name for yourself in the process.
If we have to be self-serving – and who doesn’t? It’s a jungle out there! – you might as well use your 15 minutes of fame to attract some serious media attention. That award you’re nominated for may go to someone else, but wear something interesting with a great story, and the media will be talking about you the next day. Maybe even a year later.

Look what happened with Margot Robbie. How many people had even heard of this Australian actress before she strolled into the room last year with a sapphire fringe pendant dangling from a gold zipper designed by Van Cleef & Arpels? If you have to borrow jewels for the Oscars, why not borrow a quirky classic with a fascinating backstory?
Or maybe a one-of-a-kind jewel, made by hand by a talented but less-known living designer? Maybe something with unusual colored gemstones? Look how much attention pieces by Lorraine Schwartz always get.
My advice to actresses who get the big invite of the year – and the stylists who dress them – is to take the concept of “statement jewelry” literally. Make a statement that generates statements! Wear a piece of jewelry that will have everybody buzzing on social media (under the #oscarjewelry hashtag): “What IS that necklace/bracelet/earring she’s wearing?”
Examples? Okay, let’s just pretend that actress is… me. Here are the statements I’m considering for my next red carpet walk.




(There’s an idea! How often do we see a statement belt on the red carpet – let alone one by Todd Reed?)
Think of the fun I could have with the red carpet interviews about any of these pieces. “Is that a diamond?” No, it’s quartz crystal… reverse-cut aquamarine … morganite…
“Whose jewelry are you wearing?” Oh, this is just a little thing I picked up at auction… the Tucson Gem Shows … a studio jeweler’s studio.
“Was it loaned?” Nope. I collect this designer. Hey, I was paid a million bucks for my last movie, why shouldn’t I buy my own jewelry?!
For all the actresses pondering their next red carpet move, here are a few places to start: RachaelSARC, Mariella Pilato, Atelier Munsteiner, Petra Class, Armenta, Atelier Zobel, Todd Reed. You’re welcome.
All photos recently taken by (and mostly on) yours truly, © Cathleen McCarthy