In the heady world of Paris between the two world wars, Deco jewelry ruled – which made the bold jewels...
In case you were wondering, the Picasso in From Picasso to Koons, the Artist as Jeweler, is Pablo, not his...
Only a few years ago, Ralph Esmerian was riding high, a respected dealer and collector taking over the role of...
Once again, pink diamonds ruled the Christie's Hong Kong jewelry sale - with Asian private collectors paying big prices for the world's finest colored gems and jewels.
The glamorous Belperron was a celebrity designer in her day, her jewelry worn by Colette, Frank Sinatra, Diana Vreeland and the Duchess of Windsor. A glance through the Belperron pieces up for sale this week offer a nice overview of her distinctive and timeless style.
Continued from Jewelry by Picasso: the secret stash of Dora Maar, part 2 Gloria Lieberman, director of fine jewelry at...
As the final wave engulfs the brilliant career of Ralph Esmerian, the last of his treasures are being sold off...
Some stunning Renaissance Revival jewelry is coming up for sale this month, renewing interest – yet again – in that...
In Ancient Rome and Greece, gold jewelry and engraved gems were valued far more than other works of art. Getty antiquities curator Kenneth Lapatin reveals the fascinating ancient reality behind his museum's wearable treasures.
In honor of this month's magical birthstone, Bonhams & Butterfields is dedicating an entire auction to opals, from fiery Mexicans to cool Australians. There's even an opal hat.
Continued from Jewelry by Picasso: the secret stash of Dora Maar, part 1: At the auction, a chrome-metal watch with...
Ralph Esmerian, former owner of Fred Leighton, pleaded guilty last week to bankruptcy fraud, a tragic turn in a respected...
With the death of Elizabeth Taylor today, we lost not only a Hollywood icon and often-amazing actress, but one of...
Under Toussaint's guidance in the 1930s, Cartier began to move away from abstract Deco designs and into figurative work: lacquered ladybugs, exotic birds and her signature, the panther. One of her famous panther bracelets that once belonged to the Duchess of Windsor may fetch $2 million at Christie's NY today.
Fine antiquities in good condition are rare and that keeps prices high in this category overall. Ancient jewelry, however, is a notable exception. You can buy rings and earrings from Ancient Rome and Greece for the price of a David Yurman bracelet.
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