If you have rings you haven’t taken off in a while, you may notice they’ve lost their sparkle. Soap, lotion,...
When you have to produce new jewelry images every week, as many sucessful Etsy shop owners do, it helps to have nature working for you. Sheila Arguello Slick's backdrop is the tropical paradise in her own backyard.
It’s easier than ever to put up an ecommerce site these days, with all the self-hosting options, free templates and...
In Ancient Rome and Greece, gold jewelry and engraved gems were valued far more than other works of art. Getty antiquities curator Kenneth Lapatin reveals the fascinating ancient reality behind his museum's wearable treasures.
When you examine a piece of jewelry through a loupe, are you seeing everything there is to see? A seasoned expert offers tips for mastering this tricky but incredibly useful little gadget.
After three decades on 47th Street, working her way from vendor of a 47th Street booth to head of her...
Second in a series on DIY tips from jewelry artists for shooting your own jewelry Like Hilary Hachey, jewelry artist...
Some stunning Renaissance Revival jewelry is coming up for sale this month, renewing interest – yet again – in that...
It seems only natural that so many women design jewelry. After all, it’s primarily women who wear it—which may explain...
If you're in the market for rubies, read this. There's an interloper among those red beauties - and it's been spotted at mainstream retailers, priced well above its true value.
Holidays are approaching, as is Black Friday. No reason to brave the madding crowds when you can make a jewelry...
Selling jewelry online requires compelling digital images, and lots of them. If you have the time and money, you can hire a professional product photographer to shoot your jewelry - or you can do it yourself. More and more jewelry artists are learning to do just that. A few are really good at it.
Nothing is more captivating than the glow of ancient gold under museum lights, except maybe for ancient gold in an...
You may be surprised who pulls out the skull rings and cross pendants on weekends. Seems everybody wants to be a rock star. Just ask Gerard Marti, owner of Célèbrités galleries in Maui. His customers include Steven Tyler, Tommy Lee and Paris Hilton, as well as the co-founder of MySpace.
Looking for the perfect loupe? Gem and jewelry expert Antoinette Matlins explains what to look for.